
, PhD in Economics, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 4 (35)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Over the last decade, there have been changes of the insight into the role and interaction of a society, economy, and nature and the shift in emphasis towards the unity of these three phenomena. Such processes have been caused by numerous ecological and socio-economic problems in the way of progress. These changes have become the basis for recognizing the theory of sustainable development as a methodological basis for the formation of a state ideology and policy of socio-economic development.
Recent research and publications analysis. Many domestic and foreign scientists research conceptual frameworks of sustainable development, its main factors and obstacles, and directions of practical implementation. However, categorical frameworks of the conception and terms of bringing its principle into practice of government regulation of the economy in Ukraine during the period of contemporary socio-economic and political transformations are insufficiently examined.
Paper objective. Having analysed inherent peculiarities and an interrelation of categories of sustainable development, economic development, and economic growth, the author reveals principles of the conception of sustainable development and substantiates the necessity and directions of implementing these principles in an economic policy of the country oriented towards providing balanced development of the Ukrainian economy.
Paper main body. A large number of various models, theories, and conceptions underlie the conception of sustainable development. The essence and content of these models, theories, and conceptions, as well as primary needs of the modernity and humankind stipulate the cognitive perception of the actuality and relevance of its acceptance and implementation. Factors stipulating problems of the transition of Ukraine to the model of balanced development encompass: a high level of the anthropogenic burden on particular regions and considerable pollution of the environment; the unbalanced structure of the economy with a significant percent of export of extractive industries; unevenness of regional concentration of manufactures; a low level of competitiveness of the country in
international markets; negative tendencies of international economic specialization of the country; a deficit and unevenness of distributing certain types of natural resources within the territory.
Conclusions of the research. Thus, sustainable development is characterized by general categories as well as categories with content peculiarities. Firstly, there is a need to differ notions of economic development, which consists in socio-economic changes and qualitative transformations being inherent to a society during a certain period of time, and economic growth being characterized by quantitative indicators, primarily, by those disclosing macroeconomic results of the national economy and their dynamics. Sustainable development contemplates balanced economic development constituting the unity of economic growth as well as stability of a society and the living environment. Secondly, the orientation towards economic growth, which does not take into account social and
ecological factors and consequences, leads to the exacerbation of a contradiction “the increase of human needs – scarcity of natural resources”. Implementing principles of sustainable development in the economic practice of the society will conduce to overcoming this contradiction. Thirdly, the current state of the national economy significantly restricts opportunities of harmonic development of a society as a “economy – society – nature” system. Creating necessary preconditions for balanced development is one of the most important goals for Ukrainian. Conceptual frameworks of the theory of sustainable development should underlie an economic policy of the country.
The main abstract of the article
Abstract. The article analyses issues related to the transition of Ukraine to a balanced development model, revealing the essence and interrelation of categories of “sustainable development”, “economic development”, and “economic growth”. The author has ascertained the main obstacles and restrictions of a harmonic social progress in Ukraine. The author has proven the methodological role of a sustainable development concept in the unity of a human, economy, and nature regarding resolving contradictions “the increase of human needs – scarcity of natural resources” and determining priorities of a government economic policy.


sustainable development, economic development, economic growth, wealth, society, nature.


External reviewer

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