
, PhD in Economics, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 3 (30)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Modern socio-economic conditions require the domestic producer to create a base for the formation of competitive activities. It involves the choice of forms and methods of attracting, forming and developing workers of the required professional and qualification level.
Recent research and publication analysis. A significant contribution to solving the problems of personnel development has been made by domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners, including O. Amosov, O. Ataieva, V. Vesnin, N. Havkalova, H. Dessler, O. Yehorshyn, V. Kovalov, N. Markova, Ye. Morhunov and others.
Paper objective. The process of development of working personnel as one of the main factors of ensuring the employers with workers of the corresponding profession and qualification is considered in the article.
Paper main body. The development of working personnel is a complex of activities carried out within the framework of a regional development strategy. It is carried out for the comprehensive provision of business entities by the workers of the necessary professional qualification level and implemented by means of personnel policy of the individual enterprise. The world experience of development management of working personnel has been analyzed and summarized in order to transfer the main trends and determine the main priorities in the management of the development of workers in domestic enterprises of the industrial sector.
Conclusion of the research. The lack of financial resources, the reluctance of managers to invest in personnel development, the inability to choose the most effective methods for the development of working personnel, and the imperfection of manpower management have a negative impact on the training and retraining of the workforce, which limits the possibilities of integration into the world labor market.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The process of the development of working personnel as one of the main stages of ensuring the employers with workers of the corresponding profession and qualification, which is a significant factor of the competitiveness of enterprises is considered in the article. The world experience of working personnel management is generalized and the main priorities in the management of the development of workers in domestic enterprises of the industrial sector are determined.


Development, working personnel, personnel policy, further training, training, retraining, vocational training, continuing education.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 34-44


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