Author |
Shpakov V. V., PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
23.10.2015 | Issues number |
2015 - № 4 (23) | Page |
188-198 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
346.656 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem formulation. Spontaneous development of market relations causes numerous undesirable social and political consequences. These consequences consist in an attempt of business entities to increase incomes at the expense of a consumer, manipulating prices, outcome of low-quality products, and trading counterfeiting goods, etc. Refusal of governmental regulation of the economy is one of the main reasons of crisis events in the economy. Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of development of elements of governmental regulation of the economic activity have been examined by domestic economists such as O. M. Vinnyk, O. P. Vikhrov, V. V. Dobrovolska, D. V. Zadykhailo, H. L. Znamenskyi, V. K. Mamutov, V. M. Pashkov, V. A. Ustymenko, V. S. Shcherbyna, etc. Nevertheless, the scholars have considered this matter mostly in the context of measures of the governmental regulative influence. The paper objective. The paper objective is to indicate a mechanism of the governmental regulation of the economic activity and directions of the regulative governmental influence. Paper main body. The most significant defects of a market model can be divided into two groups. The first one comprises all the defects related to the restricted scope of the activity of market relations. The second one encompasses defects of the market, which emerge because the market is unable to provide social fairness as well as it fosters enhancement of income differentiation. An unreasoned governmental economic policy in the process of privatization, reorganization of a banking system, liberalization of prices and other actions were aimed at formation of a free market. Unfortunately, they have resulted in negative results and emergence of a small group of persons, who possessed a majority of means of production. Conclusions of the research. Formation of the mechanism of governmental regulation of the economy can be presented as follows: determination of certain objects of regulation and goals transformed into regulative criteria; revealing regulative factors, which determine elements of an object of regulation and their relation; indication of optimal methods of the influence on regulative factors, which concretize instruments, ways, and technologies of achievement of determined tasks; providing a set of essential resources (material and technological, financial, social, institutional, etc.) for regulation of an object, usage of which enables to implement regulative methods and to foster achievement of a strategical purpose. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. the author researches peculiarities of the governmental regulation of market relations in the context of governmental support of the economic activity. The article considers possible defects of the market and elements of the legal mechanism of governmental regulation. |
Keywords |
Market defect, legal mechanism, governmental regulation elements. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
4 188-198 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
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