
, кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры, г. Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 77

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2019 - № 3 (38)



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Статья посвящена правовому анализу деятельности международных банковских учреждений. Исследованы условия заключения кредитных и гарантийных соглашений международными банками. Проведен анализ правовой природы соглашений международных банков. Рассмотрены формы и средства их обеспечения.

Ключевые слова

международное банковское право, международное частное право, МБРР, ЕБРР, кредитные и гарантийные соглашения международных банков.


Внешний рецензент

Статья в PDF


Список литературы

1. Repetskyi, V. M. (Ed.). (2012). Mizhnarodne publichne pravo [Public international law]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
2. Lazebnik, L. L. (2008). Mizhnarodne finansove pravo [International Financial Law]. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
3. Erpyileva, N. Yu. (2012). Mezhdunarodnoe bankovskoe pravo [International Banking Law]. Moskva: Izdatelskiy dom Vyisshey shkolyi ekonomiki [in Russian].
4. Shumilov, V. M. (2014). Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo [International Financial Law]. Moskva: Yurayt [in Russian].
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7. Zahalni umovy, yaki poshyriuiutsia na Kredytni i Harantiini uhody dlia monovaliutnykh kredytiv MBRR vid 30.05.1995 [General Conditions Applicable to IBRD Monetary and Loan Guarantee Agreements dated May 30, 1995]. (1995). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_050 [in Ukrainian].
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9. Uhoda pro pozyku (Proekt rozvytku miskoi infrastruktury) mizh Ukrainoiu ta Mizhnarodnym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku 26.05.2008 [Loan Agreement (Urban Infrastructure Development Project) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated May 26, 2008]. (2008). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_061 [in Ukrainian].
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11. Harantiina uhoda (Dodatkove finansuvannia dlia Druhoho proektu rozvytku eksportu) mizh Ukrainoiu ta Mizhnarodnym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku vid 21.12.2011 [Guarantee Agreement (Supplementary Financing for the Second Export Development Project) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated December 21, 2011]. (2011). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_074 [in Ukrainian].
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13. Mizhnarodna asotsiatsiia rozvytku (MAR) [International Development Association (IDA)]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2019, from http://ida.worldbank.org
14. Bahatostoronnie ahentstvo po harantuvanniu investytsii (BAHI) [Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2019, from https://www.miga.org
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16. Uhoda mizh Ukrainoiu ta Mizhnarodnoiu Finansovoiu Korporatsiieiu («MFK») shchodo statusu ta diialnosti Predstavnytstva MFK v Ukraini 02.04.1999 [Agreement between Ukraine and the International Finance Corporation («IFC») on the status and activities of the IFC Delegation to Ukraine dated April 02, 1999]. (1999). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_032 [in Ukrainian].
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20. Uhoda pro zasnuvannia Yevropeiskoho banku rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku [Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development] (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2019, from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_062 [in Ukrainian].
21. Dohovir mizh Uriadom Ukrainy ta Yevropeiskym Bankom Rekonstruktsii ta Rozvytku pro spivrobitnytstvo ta diialnist Postiinoho Predstavnytstva YeBRR v Ukraini Vchyneno u Kyievi 04.06.2007 i u Londoni 12.06.2007 [Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on cooperation and activities of the Permanent Representation of the EBRD in Ukraine in Kyiv on 4 June 2007 and in London on 12 June 2007]. (2008). VidomostiVerkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy – Bulletin of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 29, art. 256, 734 [in Ukrainian].
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23. Kredytna uhoda (Proekt «Budivnytstvo vysokovoltnoi povitrianoi linii 750 kV Rivnenska AES – Kyivska») mizh Ukrainoiu ta Yevropeiskym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku vid 28.02.2008 [Credit agreement (Project «Construction of 750 kV high-voltage overhead line Rivne NPP – Kyiv») between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated February 28, 2008] (2008). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/985_014/conv [in Ukrainian].
24. Kredytna uhoda (Druhyi proekt «Remont avtomobilnoi dorohy Kyiv – Chop») mizh Ukrainoiu ta Yevropeiskym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku vid 28.02.2005 [Credit Agreement (Second Project «Kyiv-Chop Highway Repair») between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated February 28, 2005] (2005). Retrieved from https://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/985_004 [in Ukrainian].
25. Kredytna uhoda (Proekt rozvytku zaliznychnykh shliakhiv Ukrainy) mizh «Ukrzaliznytseiu» ta Yevropeiskym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku vid 06.12.1999 [Loan Agreement (Ukrainian Railways Development Project) between Ukrzaliznytsia and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated December 6, 1999]. (1999). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_024 [in Ukrainian].
26. Kredytna uhoda (Vidnovlennia avtomahistrali M06 ta reforma finansuvannia sektora avtodorih) mizh Ukrainoiu ta Yevropeiskym bankom rekonstruktsii ta rozvytku vid 11.12.2000 [Credit Agreement (Rehabilitation of the M06 Motorway and Reform of the Financing of the Road Sector) between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated December 11, 2000]. (2000). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996_030 [in Ukrainian].
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