
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Indication and analysis of current destructive changes being inherent to the legal services market in Ukraine is a topical direction of theoretical substantiation of measures for overcoming these changes.
Recent research and publications analysis. Nowadays, scientists do applied researches of juridical consulting. They analyze directions of the legal services business, legal practices, and a state of the legal services market. The structure and directions of development of the legal services market stipulate formation of the legal economy. The role of the legal services market in the legal economy formation has not been theoretically substantiated.
Paper objective. An article objective is to indicate negative structural transformations of the legal services market in Ukraine and to substantiate theoretical frameworks of overcoming their destructive influence on the legal economy formation.
Paper main body. Nowadays, the structural transformations are inherent to the national market of the legal services. These transformations destructively influence the legal economy formation. The destruction of the legal services market in Ukraine consists in the increase of a legal quasi-consulting segment, which ruins reputation of lawyers and legal services firms, forms doubts regarding morality, competencies, and ethics of legal practices of lawyers. There is strict geographic and product segmentation of the Ukrainian market of legal services. Image-building consultants of the central segment, the main competitive advantages of which is communication and physical proximity to officials and law enforcement agencies, operate in the national area.
Conclusions of the research. Threats of the legal quasi-consulting to the legal economy are as follows: lack of professionalism of the practical legal activity; activation of the grey market and criminalization of the legal services market and the national economy in general; expansion of unlawful behavior of business entities; the increase of legal nihilism and the lack of legal culture. Comprehensive improvement of normative and collective regulation of the legal services market is the most important direction of overcoming negative
tendencies of the legal quasi-consulting.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author has indicated the contents and types of destructions of the national legal services market. The author has substantiated threats and negative consequences of the legal quasi-consulting in the process of the legal economy formation. The author proves the necessity of formation of a special legal environment of the legal services business.


Legal economy, threats to the legal economy, legal services market, destructions of the legal services market, legal quasi-consulting, capital and regional segments of the legal services market.


External reviewer

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