
, Ph.D., Associate professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Fundamental Economic Disciplines, Kyiv, Ushynskoho 15

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 3 (34)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The development of the global economy for a long time has been under the influence of globalization. The main forms of its manifestation are growth in volumes of international trade and investment, liberalization and deregulation of capital movements, diversification of world financial markets, a significant increase in the role of multinational corporations in the world economic processes, aggravation of global competition, growth of a role information technologies in economic development, etc. Global financial and economic crisis of 2007–2009 revealed the shortcomings of the current world system of international economic relations. Modern challenges determine the vector of knowledge of economic reality through globalistics as an integral science of the world economy. It should focus on the search for value orientations and foremost directions of overcoming the modern polysystem global crisis. Newest theories should provide an opportunity not only to be substantial to update the modern methodology of economic research, but more deeply rethink the crisis reality and develop effective practical recommendations.
Recent research and publication analysis. In recent years, actualization of problems of analysis of the formation and spread of global imbalances in the global economy is conditioned by interdisciplinary research. The scientific community draws attention to the need to find the ways of optimal solution findings to problems of unevenness and asymmetry of economic development of different countries and whole regions of the world, a Number of scientists have devoted their work to analysis of a wide range of issues related to the disclosure of content and directions of global imbalances.
Paper objective. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the peculiarities of manifestation of global imbalances in the development of the world economy in search of directions to reduce their negative consequences.
Paper main body. Strengthening the interdependence of national economies promotes efficiency of functioning of national markets and economic growth due to the attraction of foreign capital and overseas experience, and leads to an increase in dependence of internal market from external shocks, unexpected fluctuations, speculative changes in demand and supply, emergence of crisis phenomena. Formation of the mechanism of global regulation of relations by way of the introduction of common standards, on the one hand, generates new opportunities in confronting global crises, and on the other hand, leads to a loss of individuality of government control of the national market due to lack of effective mechanisms for implementation of these norms and rules. Global growth of economic
instability with the development of globalization makes the problem of ensuring the symmetry between the processes of global liberalization of resources mobility, on the one hand, and the protection of the global coordination of national interests and global regulation of the main structural proportions of the exchange – on the other hand, relevant.
Conclusion of the research. The analysis made gives an opportunity to conclude that the deepening of the processes of globalization leads to the emergence of numerous imbalances in the development of the world economy. Particularly these process affect the macroeconomic dynamics of countries with markets that are forming. To mitigate the negative effects of global exposure to crisis it is necessary to develop a mechanism of coordinating economic policies of governments and central banks of both developed countries and countries with emerging markets. On the basis of international cooperation
in this direction it is possible to reduce the effects of the global imbalances on the development of the entire world economy.
Short Аbstract for the article
Abstract. The article states that the vector of development of the world economy is largely determined by the influence of the processes of globalization. The analysis of the directions of globalization influence on the course of macroeconomic processes in the world economy is carried out. The peculiarities of global financial imbalances influence on the development of countries with emerging markets are revealed. An attempt was made to determine the perspective directions of international cooperation in the field of economic policy coordination by governments and central banks of the world.


globalization, world economy, imbalances, investment, state policy


External reviewer

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